Correlate vertical or horizontal logs created in Winlogng using EZ-Correlate™. Use Winlogng for 1D, EZ-Correlate™ for 2D and the Gravitas Connector for Petrel™ for 3D visualisation.
- Data driven correlation that responds to inputs to the database
- Quickly build montages of multiple logs from a single well or different wells
- Compare the active well with offset logs and planning logs and watch the correlation change as new data is written to the database
- Automatically correlate against the selected stratigraphic type or marker
- Use standardized basin stratigraphy names and colors to aid user entry of stratigraphic data
- Flatten all wells against a selected formation top or curve feature
- Sliding wells on screen to line up features of note replicates the paper workflow used for generations to understand the downhole story
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