Brownfield Geology
Selected by many platform operators, Geologging is a service solution for brownfield or mature assets. It provides a lightweight but geologically focused alternative to traditional mudlogging services and reduces cost. A typical Geologging service consists of two experienced geologists providing 24-hour geological cover for the well. Collecting and describing cuttings samples, the geologists integrate drilling […]
Managing Legacy Data Archives
Oil companies are regularly faced with the prospect of obtaining value from paper archives containing field prints, reports and other documents that are routinely stored in data rooms or are acquired through the acquisition of a new asset. The Bureau Service from HRH provides a number of cost effective services for transforming this historical geological […]
Training & Mentoring
Developing a new generation of wellsite and operations geologists is vital to the future of the Exploration and Production industry. Technology and tools available to operational geologists in today’s oil industry are a world away from the days of pen and ink for hand drawing geological logs. Computer software and field-based analytical equipment mean that […]
Software Solutions
The right technology can unlock the potential of the digital oilfield. Our pioneering Gravitas Software System connects geologists to the digital oilfield, integrating all well data and linking wellsite to asset. From creating beautiful logs to rapid and detailed geological reports and much, much more, the Gravitas system can plug into to all rig vendors […]