User Friendly and Intuitive
PoreView introduces CalcStack, a key user interface paradigm that enables a step change in productivity through unrivalled ease of use and simplicity.
CalcStacks give the user a mechanism to construct composite calculations for overburden, pore pressure and fracture gradient curves. Uniquely, CalcStacks are self-documenting, recording the calculation model, parameters set and intervals selected. All results are instantaneously calculated and plotted allowing connected users to see the results. Interactive Log Canvas enables users to modify NCT lines, gamma cut offs and enter data directly on the pressure log. Custom scaling capability allows users to easily switch between detailed working and whole well views.
Calculations run concurrently and automatically
Calculations respond instantly to any changes made by the user or changes to source data.
Instantly see the effects of changing NCT lines, gamma cut offs, CalcStack models and other key variables enabling more efficient interpretation and scenario modelling during drilling operations.
All pressure logs automatically refresh as new data is entered or real-time data is received allowing
real-time pore pressure evaluation.